Timber MUGA 15mW x 25mL x 1mH

Our product code: D1-SP103-A

Our timber MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) is designed specifically for schools and provides an exciting and versatile outdoor space.

With its wooden structure, it blends harmoniously with the natural surroundings, offering a rustic charm. The MUGA features designated goal ends, perfect for football and other sports activities.

Students can enjoy spirited matches, enhancing their physical fitness, teamwork, and competitive spirit, all while surrounded by the beauty of the timber structure. It's an ideal space for both sports and outdoor recreation, fostering a vibrant and active school community.

Additional Documents for Timber MUGA 15mW x 25mL x 1mH

Let's Start an Active-Play Revolution on Your Playground!

Book in a call today for a free preliminary chat about your playground redesign.
Tell us your ideas and goals and we'll come up with some exciting initial ideas within your budget.
If you're happy to proceed, we can often organise a site visit in as little as 1 week!

The children have been thoroughly enjoying our brand new play equipment at both KS1 and KS2 and it has been a joy to watch all their smiles and giggles in the sunshine.    

Many break times and lunchtimes are now spent swinging and balancing on the fantastic new equipment.

The Grove Primary School



What a transformation! It looks amazing! Thank you 😊

Just spoke to the manager who is really happy with their new space 😊

The Old Station Nursery

The children now love rolling down the hill.

It’s completely transformed the space.

We have had no flooding problems since the grass has been installed, even with the big storm.

YMCA Green Shoots Nursery
