Low Level Trim Trail

We have designed a wide selection of Low Level Trim Trail options to provide your pupils with an exciting physical challenge every breaktime.

Trim Trails are designed so that a whole class can be entertained as they traverse along and around the equipment. Promoting agility, balance and co-ordination, as well as improving children’s core and upper body strength.

Low Level Trim Trails can be designed to suit any budget and are a perfect cost effective resource for getting pupils active during school break times.

We have a selection of ready made Trim Trails, however we love creativity so feel free to design your own incorporating any of the individual items.

A key component of the Low Level Trim Trail option is that it does not require a safer surface, making it a cost effective solution for many schools.

Let's Start an Active-Play Revolution on Your Playground!

Book in a call today for a free preliminary chat about your playground redesign.
Tell us your ideas and goals and we'll come up with some exciting initial ideas within your budget.
If you're happy to proceed, we can often organise a site visit in as little as 1 week!

“Learners stayed out here all playtime - which they do not usually do. They have been playing competitions with me”

“They enjoy exploring it so much they don’t want playtime to finish”

“It’s so much better! The children are happy and have a nice area to sit with their friends and equipment to play on”

Calthorpe Academy


Our most complex learners are now better able to engage with an increasing range of outdoor learning opportunities.  

Outdoor spaces are vital to help those who experience multi-sensory processing difficulties develop their senses and gain and understanding of their place in the world. 

The garden will not only enable a more holistic learning experience but will support overall health and wellbeing.

Treloar School


dbdplay are always so organised and a pleasure to deal with! 

Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust
