At dbdplay, we’re all about creating playgrounds that kids love and parents trust. Simple. Once your new playground is up and running, it’s important to keep it safe and fun.
Here’s a quick and easy guide to help you maintain it.
Clear Debris: Regularly clear away leaves, rubbish, and anything that might cause a trip.
Maintain Surfaces: Rake any sand or bark you may have, to keep it even, and fix or report any cracks in surfaces.
Sanitise: Wipe down high-touch areas, especially during flu season. Achoo.
Clean: If you have any artificial grass, why not use a jet wash to keep it looking green.
Tighten and Lubricate: Regularly tighten bolts and lubricate any moving parts.
Repair Surfaces: Fix or report any wear and tear on surfaces right away. Sanding the wood to keep it smooth will help to prevent splinters.
Replace Worn Parts: Swap out anything damaged as soon as you notice it.
Spring/Summer: Inspect everything after the winter months and get ready for busy playtimes.
Autumn: Clear leaves away and make sure any drainage is clear and working correctly.
Winter: Clear ice and snow to prevent slips, and check for frost damage.
Log Inspections: Keep a simple log of your checks and any issues found.
Record Maintenance: Note any repairs or cleaning to help plan ahead.
We’re here to support you with guides and checklists to make this easy. These will be within the completion we documents we send at the end of each project.
At dbdplay, we’re here to help you keep your playground safe and fun with just a little regular upkeep. Thanks for trusting us with your playground!
Enjoy your new playground! If you'd like any further information about playground maintenance please get in touch so we can help.